
In 2010 I joined Winged Whaled Research a research and education group based in Homer, Alaska. As a research assistant I help document and record populations demographics, behaviors and collect photographic identification. Winged Whale research has been working in Prince William Sound since 1980 creating one of Alaska's longest studies of humpback whales.

Following whales between their feeding grounds in Alaska to the warm birthing and breeding waters of Hawaii has lead me to the island of Molokai where I recently began working with traditional elder Liemana Naki of Kahina Po'Haku Fish Pond in education, documentation and conservation.
Fiji Islands

My graduate work at the University of the South Pacific in the Fiji lead me to discover Silana Village home to Makalati, or Moon Reef, and a small population of spinner dolphins. Currently I am working with local villagers and Takalana Bay Eco Resort in conservation, natural resource management and documentation of the ancient, mystical connection between the people of Silana Village and the dolphin guardians of Makalati reef.